adventures in blunderland
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this is what delirium looks like
2007-02-21, 11:24 p.m.

I'm definitely getting sick. All day today I felt under the weather and kind of fatigued. It suuuuucks.

The general pattern in my life is so that I rarely get just a cold or just a fever, but instead, I become disgustingly ill precisely once a year. and I mean it, like, complete with the coughing and the snot and the 103-degree-fever and hallucinations and vertigo, etc. It's like my body doesn't know it can spread the Sick out over 365 days and just pummels me with complete dysfunction for like, 3 or 4 days.

I'm hoping this weird, scratchy, feels-like-something's-stuck-back-there sore throat isn't a sign that things are about to go Seriously Wrong for me, health-wise. We'll see.

I don't have classes on Wednesdays, so I try to get a ton of work done. Today, though, I felt all crampy and uncomfortable and sort of curled up for a while until I sucked it up, took some Tylenol, and.... went shopping with Caitlin. She was looking for some dance gear, so we ventured to unexplored territory and found a Capezio Dance outlet, where, ironically, Cait bought nothing and I bought a pair of furry slippers.

Halfway through the day we realized it was Ash Wednesday (oooooooooooooops) and belatedly decided what we'd give up for Lent. Cait's giving up MySpace, which is both sad (because MySpace addiction is extremely unfortunate) and inspiring (because MySpace is nearly as hard to quit as smoking). I, um, thought I was going to give up eating red meat, but before I realized it was Lent I ate a cheese steak Hot Pocket, and then I wanted to give up chocolate, but I decided I didn't eat that much chocolate anyway, and then I said I'd give up eating after 10, but just now I had a Milky Way bar. So apparently if I'm not like, in my home or home town, I can't remember it's Lent for longer than an hour.

Also, I totally did not get ashes today, which makes me feel like a terrible, terrible human being, but haha, I guess that's, heh, what the Catholic church is best at doing, HAHAHAHA. Sorry. I probably shouldn't be making those jokes, being, you know, a young adult struggling with her religious identity in a world where the Catholic church already receives ample criticism. Let's chalk it up to me being very tired and possibly running a fever. Seriously. My eyeballs feel kind of hot.

With that, I think I'll get ready for bed and, uh, �c�mo se dice? PASS OUT. Goodnight, sweet dreams, flights of angels sing thee to thy rest, and all that good stuff.


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