adventures in blunderland
right now
listening to:

there is rain inside the box above my head
2006-09-27, 1:41 a.m.

i used to be a real diaryland whore, like 3 years ago. for a good 2 or 3 years i doubt i went a day without posting. i was all like, all html-savvy and i had a pImPEd-oUt custom design and i had my own review site. but then i abandoned ship. to engage in xteenangstx.

so here i am again.

back to business.

i guess i should make some introductory comments.

i am, in fact, a girl.

i go to College(tm), and suffice it to say i am not a freshman.

i am an english/education major. that means i'm going to spend the rest of my life in high school.

this semester i'm starting a minor in creative writing. my professor is quite possibly the most boring man alive.

alright that's enough.

so my roommate and i have an odd problem.

we seem to have an abundance
of pipecleaners.

see, we're sort of "arts-and-crafty macaroni-gluers" (quote: jeffrey, my favorite project runway malvolio). and college dorm rooms, well, in terms of decor, you know the deal: questionably useful strips of cork board framed by cheap dirty wood tracing the perimeter of the room. only ours lacked the cork board and so we just have the cheap dirty wood with a sad, empty cavity where the cork board once lived. so we um, filled the cavity with pipecleaners, bent into zigzags and spirals and squiggles. and. um.

well, needless to say, it took less pipecleaners than the eleventy jillion we bought.

and then we did all sorts of weird crap with them, like twisting them into flower shapes and sticking them in our salt and pepper shakers. and filling a tall mug with a couple dozen or so, and arranging them in a vase and setting it on top of our toilet. but we're sort of running out of ideas.

so, i guess, to make an extremely circuitous story short,

any suggestions?

oh, shit. now i want to end this entry. i was never good at this. um. bye. goodnight. tee-tee-why-ell. or something.

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