adventures in blunderland
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your christmas present certainly ISN'T inside the box above my head.... i mean it.
2006-10-09, 11:07 p.m.

Does anyone remember the lovely little nugget of Filipino quirkiness I offered up to the Diaryland universe (and my Creative Writing professor)?

Well, I didn't get any feedback on this forum, but my professor certainly appreciated it. In fact, he suggested that I submit it for publication at The Siren, which is this literary magazine run by the school. However, they apparently ONLY accept works (AND I QUOTE) which "experiment with style and form, offer unique perspectives or deals with content that is refreshing and eye-opening."

Ummm is my teacher on le craque? I mean, I'm flattered he thinks that piece of whateverthecrapthatwas should be published ANYWHERE, because personally, I re-read it and thought it was pathetic, but of ALL places to submit it? That memoir was neither experimental nor eye-opening. I referenced The Cosby Show, for God's sake!

I would love to be published but I doubt they want me there. I don't know what my perspective on fiction is, but it's not unique. It's pretty commonplace. I wonder if maybe my professor doesn't know The Siren's "Philosophy."

But you know what's sad? I think I'm actually going to send it in. Just to see. Even though I'm warning myself right now that they don't want funny and candid and familiar, they want:

orange plays
you're it. yo
u're it.
its stringy re splend ence
my hat blows away.
it's time for teletubbies.

I'm serious. I read the Spring 2006 issue.

Hey, maybe I should submit that poem along with my short story. I wonder if it will get in.

I should be sleeping right now. I have to get up for an 8:30 class tomorrow morning. But I just can't be tired enough to sleep at 11:30. Plus I just ate some Pop Rocks.

I've since loosened up a bit, but I used to be very opposed to the idea of Pop Rocks. I was like, "Chemical reaction in a-my MOUTH? NEOOOO THANKS!!!" And admittedly, it still freaks me out a bit. The crackling. And how sometimes, you'll swallow a Rock before it's finished oxidizing or whatever, and you can still feel it pop-and-lockin' in the back of your throat. Yecch.

But. I digress.

I'd just like to take this time to celebrate the fact that at the moment I am KICKING SCHOOL'S ASS. It's like everything I do is awesome (knocks on wood. 3 million times.)! Write some kind of 2-page nonsense for African American Lit? A! Write a sonnet about synesthesia in 45 minutes? ALSO A! Make an relatively colorful and visually stimulating Power Point presentation? A PLUS!!! And here's a CROWN AND SCEPTER! And CHOCOLATE CAKE! WE LOVE THE PRINCESS HER NAME IS MEL[OOGLE]!

I hope I can keep this up! Getting good grades feels awesome!

See? I'm too excited. So much CAPS. So many exclamation points. Too much italicizing. I'm never going to fall asleep.

I guess I should at least try.

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