adventures in blunderland
right now
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there is a bale of christian in the box above my head (i wish)
2006-10-23, 11:40 p.m.

Over the weekend I

-saw one kind of disappointing movie (Marie Antoinette)
-snuck into another movie that completely made up for the aforementioned dullness (The Prestige). More about this later.
-ate a lot of surprisingly excellent store-bought cinnamon coffee cake.
-was jealous that my sister gets to go to playoff games with the marching band (that I forced her to join) because my old high school's football team finally started winning games.
-took showers without slippers on :)
-bought a new mp3 player with the fake money on my first credit card ever.
-visited Linds at her school and stayed overnight and had a grand old time. More about this later, too, I think.
-rediscovered my affinity for sliced strawberries and granulated sugar
-did not do any work.

So yes. First order of biz: The Prestige. Feel free to not read this if you don't want to be influenced by my opinion. From the first scene I knew I was going to like it. Although that may be because we had just seen one of the most pointless movies ever, so perhaps anything would have been exciting at that point.

But, ummm, ... no. I think I loved it so much because it's very, very good. I hate when people give away plot details, so I wont, but I just wanted to share that during the end of the movie I was so excited and impressed and happy and surprised that I was actually like, grinning ear to ear, shaking my head at the cleverness and part-fit-into-part-nes of it. I honestly have not reacted the ending of a movie since I saw Saw in theaters. The Prestige was umm, far superior (to say the least) to Saw in MANY ways, especially in terms of the cast and the acting and the general message of the movie (heh.), but actually, the ending of Saw might actually have been more shocking and like, ::BOOM:: WOW!! (yes, that's a technical term) than The Prestige. I think that during the end of Saw, I actually like, squealed and felt faint when the "big twist" was revealed.

Oh, and? Christian Bale? I'm serious, I LOVE him. He's such (forgive me for sounding like a tool) a master of his trade. He is outrageously good at acting. (It also doesn't hurt that he's Sexy with a capital S.)

(And did you know he's from Wales? I did not. He even has an accent that I didn't know about because he's really effing good at doing an American accent, just like Guy Pearce. Hottttt.)

So that was the highlight of my Friday. Saturday I bought the mp3 player, yes, which I'm not having any problems with thus far (knock on wood). Sunday I drove down to visit Linds finally. Lella went as well, and we went out to dinner with her mom and then sat around in a circle talking in her apartment. I met more people there than I'm actually friends with at school.... yes; I met six or so people there and while I do know and talk to and consider myself well-acquainted with several more than six people at school, I would claim right now to only be committed as a friend to four. So that says a little something.

It was crazy fun and I laughed a lot and got to spend time with the girlfri--I mean, BFF, but you know, visiting other people always makes me homesick for my own school, I think a lot of my friends would say the same thing. It's never that I think the other person's school is worse or better than mine, it's something weirder and more complex.

I don't really know how to express what I'm about to say, but I'm going to try anyway.

I'm starting to understand the word "community" so much better now that I'm in college. I mean, what did community mean in like, 9th or 10th grade of high school? I'm pretty sure that it meant like, my city, or my neighborhood. But--and I guess this is painfully obvious--it's not that at all. Community is, I think, is defined by where you can belong and who you feel you can belong with. It can be an organization or a sports team or a society or an ethnic group or a location or whatever. Communities can have the life span of a housefly or a redwood. But what's important to me in the immediate moment is this: A community cannot consist of four people. Ever. Four people cannot attempt to act like a community for each other.

I belong to this grand community, the College (tm) on-campus community--that's where the weird sense of homesickness comes in when I visit people, I guess. Everyone on campus is connected by the similar issue of being a college student and living away from home. But beyond that, I am community-less. It's part of the reason I feel so out of sorts sometimes, I think.

That's all I can make of the feelings I've been entertaining. If I try to sort myself out any further I will probably dissolve or implode or overheat like my computer, and my eyeballs will gloss over white and read "Brain has shut down. It is now safe to turn off your Meloogle."

But I mean, despite the strange emo-ness (I'm really sorry that all my entries turn into these bullshit introspective musings on the complexities of life) it's been a pretty great Fall Break. Tomorrow I'm going to get my hair cut. Yay!

Also, Halloween is like, the BEST season for movies for me. I love scary movies, so I'm like, in Disneyland right now. Carrie is going to be on pretty soon, which is my favorite senseless-gore movie because the gore is actually not senseless. I always thought all the people who died because of Carrie's insane telekinetic spaz-out deserved to die, unlike the victims in a lot of slasher films.

But this year I discovered that there are all these lame-but-strangely-captivating Disney Channel original Halloween-themed movies, and all the cable channels are reverting to the 90s, like one channel was showing Hocus Pocus today, and another is showing Halloween episodes of all my favorite old shows like Full House, Boy Meets World, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

Hocus Pocus is a really effing good movie, not for any reason I can pinpoint (the plot is typical G-rated family safe spookiness and the acting is typical G-rated mediocrity) but because little Thora Birch is so unbearably cute and that kid who plays the main character is such a little hottie. I wonder how he ended up.

Okay then! I just IMDB'd the "kid" who plays the main character, and he is now definitely 30 and one of the last roles he played was "Tattoo Artist" on General Hospital. Yes. He, I would not file with Christian Bale.

Okay I can't think of a good way to wrap up this entry but I have nothing left to say anyway, so I'm going to just say goodnight. Goodnight!

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